factors that contribute to alcoholism - alcoholism - summit bhcKnowing the factors that contribute to alcoholism can help you recognize addiction in yourself or a loved one.

Family history

Intake forms at addiction treatment centers often ask the following question: Does your family have a history of alcoholism?

Research reports that 45-65% of the risk for alcoholism is genetically determined. This doesn’t mean those that with a family history will become addicted. But it does mean that they are more prone to developing the disease and should be aware of that when engaging in substance use.

Mental health disorders

Mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety also contribute to alcoholism. People suffering from these disorders may not realize that their pain comes from a diagnosis that could be greatly alleviated with professional treatment. To escape the pain, they may choose to self-medicate with alcohol. Unfortunately, addiction only makes the mental health disorder worse–and can even cause the onset of a mental health issue.

Social and environmental factors

Children who grow up in dysfunctional households, who have parents who are addicted, or who undergo adverse childhood experiences are at a higher risk of developing a substance use disorder. Trauma aside, stress alone can lead to addiction if it is not coped with in a healthy way. Adults who have highly stressful jobs, are under constant financial stress, or who are in chronic pain are also at risk for developing addiction.

For more information about factors that contribute to alcoholism contact us at Summit today. We can help.

