
Acupuncture and Addiction Recovery - acupuncture - summit bhcEvidence-based addiction treatment includes holistic methods that treat the whole person. Acupuncture is one of these methods.

Addiction is not only a physical illness–it affects every aspect of a person’s being. Holistic treatment is becoming more valued as a way to address physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual ailments. Licensed dietitians, yoga instructors, meditation guides, and acupuncturists are now playing a more common role in addiction treatment. When used in conjunction with other therapeutic approaches, such as psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, the results are usually very positive.

Acupuncture is an effective complement to addiction treatment.

Acupuncture stimulates various points on the body, called acupoints, with tiny needles inserted into the skin. This stimulations helps release blocked energy in the body, improving circulatory, digestive, immune, and nervous system functions. One particular type of acupuncture, working with five points of the ear, has been shown to be successful in addiction treatment. According to an article featured in the Yale School of Medicine’s website, ear acupuncture used at a Connecticut facility for treatment of substance use disorders is welcomed by clients. Katurah Bryant, Associate Director of the facility and supervisor of the acupuncture program, speaks highly of the results clients experience: “At some point in their daily lives, clients will experience the ‘stimulus’ that might lead them to reach for a drug. ‘Acupuncture seems to widen their response time,’ [acupuncture practitioner] Bryant observes, ‘allowing them to think first and realize they don’t have to react to the stimulus. Instead they can use positive coping skills acquired in treatment.'”

In this case and others, acupuncture has been linked to improved client outcomes in terms of substance abuse program retention, reductions in cravings, anxiety, sleep disturbance and need for pharmaceuticals.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction and would like more information about treatment options, please reach out and speak with someone today. There are resources available for people of all income ranges and situations. Recovery is possible; please don’t wait.

Contact us today if you or your loved one is ready to reach out for help.
We can start you on the road to recovery.