choosing a top dual diagnosis treatment center - choosing a door - summit bhcChoosing a top dual diagnosis treatment center is not an easy task.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), dual diagnosis is a term for those who experience a mental illness and a substance abuse problem simultaneously. It’s a very broad category that can range from someone developing mild depression because of binge drinking, to someone’s symptoms of bipolar disorder becoming more severe when they abuse heroin.

Treating addiction separately from the mental illness is not the most effective approach.

It leaves a person more vulnerable to relapse when they recover from addiction but have not had the mental health support they need. This is why it’s important to find a treatment center that specializes in dual diagnosis treatment.

When researching a treatment center equipped to handle dual diagnosis, it’s important to ask the right questions to ensure you or your loved one is set up for success. For example, ask if the facility has qualified psychiatric staff available to handle the difficulties of depression and alcoholism, or schizophrenia and cocaine abuse. Does the facility have an experienced team if medical detoxification is needed? Does the treatment include individual and group therapy with qualified therapists?

If you don’t have an advocate – become one.

Learn about dual diagnosis and the assessment tools that are available. Have yourself or your love one tested. Talk to people who have had difficulty finding a dual diagnosis treatment center. Listen, learn and be patient.

To learn about our dual diagnosis treatment centers or schedule a free and confidential assessment, please contact us. Our admissions team is awaiting your call.
