
life after treatment - woman at sunset - summit bhcWhen someone in an addiction recovery program leaves treatment and returns to their life at home and work, they often feel overwhelmed.

Why Is This?

In residential treatment, an individual has very few choices to make. From sunup to sundown the day is usually strictly scheduled. The client is given very few opportunities to make destructive decisions. Leaving treatment means leaving structure. Without structure, boredom or restlessness can set in; the mind can play tricks on itself; and it can be easy to neglect doing the things that foster a healthy recovery. All of these things can lead to relapse.

Change Isn’t Easy

It can be tough to go from a life centered around consuming and obtaining substances to one where you choose to face your stresses and challenges in a healthy way. Many people in recovery are recovering not only from an addiction to substances but an addiction to chaos and drama. A sober life where serenity is the goal can seem boring. However, a sober life gives a person the opportunity for self-discovery. It allows them to explore old hobbies or talents that have taken a back burner to addiction. It allows them to deepen relationships with loved ones and make new relationships. It allows them to give back by supporting others in recovery or volunteering in the community.

For those who are concerned about staying on track with their sobriety after treatment, many extended care options are available. They may engage in outpatient treatment, join a local recovery support group, meet regularly with a therapist, or even spend some in transitional living before returning home.

When someone becomes spiritually fit and connected, they are no longer concerned with what others may deem as the cool or popular thing to do. The greatest gift is to know one’s true self. In doing so, many people find a life post-treatment that they may have never expected, but that is better than anything they could dream up.

If you think your loved one needs addiction treatment, contact one of our treatment professionals today to find out about your options.  Lasting recovery is possible.