Referring your Clients to Addiction Treatment - The Ranch at Dove Tree - Addiction Treatment and Texas Tech Addiction Research - Lubbock, Texas - drug and alcohol rehabSummit BHC specializes in providing detoxification, addiction, and co-occurring disorder treatment services to adult clients.

We regularly work with physicians and therapists who entrust their patients to our care. Referring clinicians expect a great deal from an addiction treatment center when they are considering which one to suggest to a patient and their family. The staff at Summit BHC’s network of addiction treatment centers do their utmost to provide the highest level of care to all residents.

Summit BHC’s View of Addiction

At Summit BHC, we consider addiction to be a chronic disease. It is in the same category as diabetes or heart disease.

Our residents need and deserve understanding care and treatment that is delivered without any element of “blaming or shaming.” Our hope is that with supportive care, our residents will be able to achieve long-term sobriety.

Treatment Approach

We believe in providing a holistic approach to treatment that cares for the whole person. It includes treating the addiction as well as the resident’s emotional and psychiatric health concerns. Other elements include a balanced diet and opportunities to engage in regular exercise. Residents are encouraged to (re)connect with their spirituality.

Co-occurring Disorders

Alcohol and drug addiction is the primary reason most people seek treatment. Co-occurring disorders may also be present and must be recognized and treated concurrently if the goal of achieving long-term sobriety is going to be successful. To treat these mental health issues, residents are seen in treatment by clinicians who can provide specialized therapy designed to meet the residents’ needs. Some treatment approaches that are available include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Trauma-informed Approaches

Comprehensive Assessment

New residents are given a comprehensive assessment by a licensed professional. Each person who comes into one of our addiction treatment facilities is an individual and is treated like one.

Before we can devise a specific treatment plan for a new resident, our clinicians need to understand something about that person’s history. It’s important to get a clear view of their usage habits, the strengths they can call on when trying to get sober, and the challenges that may present themselves.

Personalized Recovery Plan

Each resident develops a personalized recovery plan that reflects their recovery goals. It is created by the resident and their primary therapist. For the resident and the therapist to have a successful working relationship, they must establish trust.

The therapist’s role isn’t necessarily to “give” the resident the answers for how to successfully live a sober lifestyle. Instead, the therapist and the resident work together to develop solutions that will work best for each person, given their individual challenges and triggers that tempt them to use drugs or start drinking.

Family Sessions

At Summit BHC, we recognize that addiction doesn’t simply impact the person struggling with substance abuse. It also has a profound effect on the family. Family sessions are held to teach family members about the disease of addiction, the importance of self-care for family members, how to set boundaries, positive communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and more. Sessions also address topics like how to plan for having a loved one leave a treatment program and coping strategies for dealing with a family member who is struggling with their perception of past events.

Follow-up Care After Treatment

Summit BHC is a network of 13 addiction treatment centers located across eight states staffed by physicians, psychologists, therapists, and nurses. Any of them are eager to work with a referring physician or therapist for ongoing care and post-rehab treatment plans. We are confident that our addiction treatment centers can meet any specific need that a referring clinician’s patient may have for substance abuse or dual diagnosis treatment.

Turning Point – Alcohol and Drug Detox Services

Summit BHC – About Us

The Aviary Recovery Center – Our Philosophy

The Ranch at Dove Tree – Treatment Center

Great Oaks Recovery Center – Wellness Programming

Enterhealth Ranch – Referring Professionals

Contact us today if you or your loved one is ready to reach out for help.
We can start you on the road to recovery.