
spirituality and addiction recovery - woman praying - summit bhcThe connection between spirituality and addiction recovery is real.

Addiction is a powerful force. Someone suffering from addiction experiences every life circumstance as a reason to use alcohol or drugs: good days, bad days, sadness, happiness, other people’s behavior, etc. Mostly, substances are used as a way to escape pain, boredom, or a sense of emptiness.

Developing a spiritual connection with something greater than oneself can help ease that sense of emptiness and lend the stability to withstand life’s fluctuations. Spirituality does not need to have anything to do with religion. For someone who has been hurt by religious teaching, people, or churches, a traditional view of religion might lead them back to substances as a way to cope with guilt or pain.

However, spirituality is something different. Spirituality involves developing a relationship with one’s inner or higher self. It involves connecting with an inner sense of guidance and truth. Some people choose to interpret this inner voice as God, the Universe, intuition, or nature, among other things.

However you choose to define your own spirituality, it can be developed through regular reflection and meditation. Being able to sit quietly with oneself and allow thoughts and feelings to flow by without judging them or attaching to them is both a valuable skill and a calming spiritual connection. It gives one the perspective and patience so that they do not need to rush out for substances to deal with discomfort, emptiness, or strong emotions.

The Summit BHC network offers faith-based treatment options. St. Joseph’s Institute for Addiction focuses on a spiritual journey of recovery to discover life’s meaning and purpose. Click below to find out more.
