Is There an Addictive Personality?

Is There an Addictive Personality?

Have you ever heard the expression “addictive personality?” It’s an informal phrase used to explain why someone turned to drugs, alcohol, or a certain behavior. It implies that some people, due to the personality traits they were born with, are more or less destined...
What is Carfentanil and Why is it so Deadly?

What is Carfentanil and Why is it so Deadly?

By now, most people have heard something on the news or read articles in print or online about the opioid crisis gripping North America. It’s been responsible for scores of Emergency Room visits and hospital admissions. Far too many families have already said goodbye...
How to Know if Your Loved One Has an Addiction

How to Know if Your Loved One Has an Addiction

Addiction is a very powerful disease. It makes those affected by it lie to themselves and those around them. People with substance abuse issues tell themselves that they either don’t have a problem or that they can keep their drug or alcohol use under control. They...