Spirituality and Addiction Recovery

Spirituality and Addiction Recovery

The connection between spirituality and addiction recovery is real. Addiction is a powerful force. Someone suffering from addiction experiences every life circumstance as a reason to use alcohol or drugs: good days, bad days, sadness, happiness, other people’s...
Importance of Honesty in Recovery

Importance of Honesty in Recovery

Honesty in recovery is essential for long-term sobriety. Addiction can change a person. People suffering from addiction often lie and manipulate to get the substances they have become physically and psychologically dependent on. They lie about how much they use, what...
6 Ways To Stay Motivated in Early Sobriety

6 Ways To Stay Motivated in Early Sobriety

While addiction cannot be overcome by willpower alone, early recovery is a time when willpower comes into play. Every day, someone in recovery needs to focus their energy on their sobriety. Without support, this can start to feel overwhelming. To that end, we offer...
5 Reasons Sobriety is Awesome

5 Reasons Sobriety is Awesome

Many positive things occur with sobriety. Here are five of them. We hope they inspire and encourage you in your recovery! 1. Freedom! Once you decide to get treatment to overcome your addiction, you free yourself from its shackles. In addiction, the substance controls...