5 Reasons Sobriety is Awesome

5 Reasons Sobriety is Awesome

Many positive things occur with sobriety. Here are five of them. We hope they inspire and encourage you in your recovery! 1. Freedom! Once you decide to get treatment to overcome your addiction, you free yourself from its shackles. In addiction, the substance controls...
Sharing a Traumatic Event

Sharing a Traumatic Event

Sharing a traumatic event with a therapist or peers can seem frightening. What will people think? Will they blame you? Will you be able to recover from the event if you keep talking about it? You’re Not Alone Unfortunately, many, many people experience trauma of...
Life After Treatment

Life After Treatment

When someone in an addiction recovery program leaves treatment and returns to their life at home and work, they often feel overwhelmed. Why Is This? In residential treatment, an individual has very few choices to make. From sunup to sundown the day is usually strictly...
Benefits of Sober Monitoring

Benefits of Sober Monitoring

Sober monitoring can begin immediately upon completion of treatment. Primary treatment facilities usually make the first impact on individuals who are on the road to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. But treatment does not result in cure. Because addiction is...
Self Care in Addiction Recovery

Self Care in Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a disease that breaks people down. It breaks down physical health, emotional health, relationships, finances, and more. Part of ongoing recovery is learning again how to take care of oneself. For someone who has suffered from addiction, self-care is a new...
Tips for Staying Sober At Holiday Parties

Tips for Staying Sober At Holiday Parties

Everyone knows the holidays can be stressful, especially for those in recovery. Here are a few tips for protecting your sobriety at various holiday parties and events. First, ask yourself if this event is somewhere you want to be. Is attendance mandatory? If not, and...